Have Sore Muscles, Inflammation, Dry Skin?

Try Pure African Shea Butter

At the Gyrokinesis Rejuvenation Workshop with Juliu Horvath this past Spring in Cambria, CA, Juliu brought with him an incredible, pure Africa Shea Butter from Ghana to share with all of us. I tend to have dry Scandinavian skin, so I REALLY loved it. I ordered some of my own (only $40 for a 24oz container!) and once a week, after a really good dry scrubbing to open up the pores on my skin, I put it all over my body from face to toe. It’s very thick so it was suggested after rubbing it into my hands holding them over a candle flame or fireplace for a couple of seconds to warm up the butter so it’s easier to apply. Not only does it moisturize my skin like nothing else, it relaxes my sore muscles, reduces inflammation and can be used as a facial moisturizer. Because it’s so thick, you need very little, so the 24 oz tub I’ve had since end of March is still 1/2 full. Go to http://www.africansheabutter.org/ to order yours!       

Patrie Sardo