My Story of Hip Pain & Healing from Gyrotonic Movement

I was a runner for many years.  Having been obese as an adolescent it helped me to control my weight and my appetite.  And, more importantly, it felt good.

I had my first son when I was 40 years old.  I knew returning to a healthy weight was going to be more challenging for me, so I worked hard to get in the best shape possible for my 2nd pregnancy.  I was able to run until I was 6 months pregnant with my 2nd son who was born when I was 42.  With 2 young boys 25 months apart, running became an important stress releaser VITAL to my well-being.  Unfortunately, I began suffering from chronic hip pain in my right hip and in my big toe joints.  It’s not easy to take care of your kids when it hurts to walk.

I tried everything I knew to deal with this discomfort so I could continue running.  A physical therapist eventually prescribed orthotics to take weight off my emerging bunions and a lift in my right shoe to deal with what he considered to be a leg length discrepancy.  The orthotics and the lift allowed me to keep running, which is what I wanted.  I had no idea what the cost would be in the long run.

Eventually my hip pain returned and remained, so my chiropractor suggested I try something new; GYROTONIC® Movement.  What?!  Never heard of it.

After my very first session my body was in heaven.  I felt stretched, strengthened and connected inside and out.  I learned that I had strengths and weaknesses on the two sides of my body.  By using the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® I got to move continuously and 3-dimensionally from my center, rather than over-using certain muscles while completely ignoring others.  I also felt the energetic blockages in my body. Through the continuous, rhythmic quality of the movements and corresponding breathing patterns I began to channel energy equally through my body as a result of a stronger connection to my center.

Seven years and many trainings later I am a certified Trainer in Gyrotonic Level I & Level II and Level I GYROKINESIS® Movement; licensed to teach the Jumping Board and The GYROTONER® and a licensed Gyrotonic Pre-Trainer.  I plan on becoming a licensed Gyrokinesis Pre-Trainer in August and am contemplating entering into the Gyrotonic Master Teacher Program, if they’ll have me.

Is this what I imagined myself doing at age 58 years old.  NOT AT ALL!!  Yet the many Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis trainings I have done have continued to expand the profound healing in my body.


1. I NO LONGER HAVE TO WEAR A SHOE LIFT!  Most people do not have a true leg length discrepancy and I didn’t either.  The weakness was in my pelvis, specifically my “Seed Center”, the area just below the belly button and the greatest source of strength and vitality.  By strengthening this area through Juliu Horvath’s concepts of “Narrowing of the Pelvis” I have stabilized my core and my legs are in their right placement again.
2. I NO LONGER HAVE TO WEAR ORTHOTICS!  Artificially lifting my arches impacted the inner line strength of my legs, making my IT Bands chronically tight and affecting the entire musculature of my feet.  I now have a connection from my feet all the way through the crown of my head and back down again through a concept creator Juliu calls the “5th Line”.  Instead of over-working muscles I COULD access I have a profoundly deep internal connection, which allows me to work my body 3-dimensionally while engaging my musculature in its entirety.
3. MY SHOULDERS!  Because of my pelvic imbalance, lack of core strength, and apparent leg length discrepancy, my shoulders were also affected.  I had chronically tight muscles across the tops of my shoulders.  They also rotated forward, one more so than the other.  This tightened my chest and closed off my heart center.  I now have a stronger connection in my back which helps open my chest.  My arms now move from the center of my body, which allows my shoulders to rest in their rightful place.

In a nutshell, I walk with dignity, grace and strength.  I feel taller, stronger, leaner, and get comments on my great posture.  Because I’m connected on the inside, my light can shine out brightly in all directions.  And, if my body forgets because my head’s somewhere else, I instinctively re-ignite that energetic connection.  And I am grateful every day.